
This page outlines the size of each of the main families or more particularly family names in the 1881 UK Census and again in 2014.

In general the majority of the families are small, measure in the hundreds out of a total of nearly 30 million. For most the emigration was noticeable, changing the distribution balance of the family.

Rylance Family

With a census population of 29 million in the UK, there were 447 Rylances registered. The family remained concentrated in Lancashire.

112 were in Wigan and 96 in Prescott while the next biggest concentration was 17 in West Derby.

The name did increase in size thereafter. According to the site there 1500 world wide in 2014. This still makes it a small family.

The Allan Family

The Allan family was one of our largest families with 18, 733 people recorded. There was a significant concentration in Scotland.

By 2014 Forbears reported 119,000 people called Allan made up as follows:


The Havard Family

The Havard family remained concentrated in Wales. In the 1881 census there were 778 people included, one of our largest families!

The two biggest concentrations accounting for just over half were in Breconshire and Glamorgan as shown in the map opposite.

By 2014 the Forebears report showed some 11,000 Havards. It seems likely that this included a number of spelling variants.

The Jolly Family

In the 1881 census there were 4,230 Jollys with Lancashire accounting for 1,031 and Middlesex 411.


The 2014 results from Forebears show 66, 879 but again that may well include other spellings. The biggest centre was the USA while New Zealand had 700.

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The Sargison family

By 1881 the Sargison family was very small with 126 people recorded in the Census. The numbers were so small that it is not really appropriate to talk of a concentration.

As an aside there were 262 Sarginsons, and 61 Sargissons.

In 2014 the numbers remained small. England had seen an increase along with Australia and New Zealand.

The Cunningham family

Another larger grouping of 14,065 in !881 out of a total population. They were well distributed throughout Scotland and England.

The majority were in Scotland.

By 201 the number worldwide was almost 290,000, making it our largest family grouping

The Dick family

In 1881 there were 6,663 Dicks in the Census, primarily in Scotland as shown opposite.

By 2014 that number had increased to 120,166. In the UK here were just under 9,000 and 1,600 in New Zealand.